Tuesday 19 August 2008

Clone Wars!

Article Type: Member Copying
Main Focus: CLONES

A whole new style is sweeping the young nation of Stardoll - CLONES.
As you can see above^ many people have adopted this "style" and used it in as many was as possible.
Whoever started this : Great idea! The thing is, so many people have used it, it's getting boring.
The whole feathers for a fringe thing is pretty ugly if not used appropiatly and the thing which bugs me is that these people class themselves as "Scene".
Don't get me wrong - some of these people are quite nice but I thought Stardoll was all about orignality, uniqueness and style.
So, people of Stardoll, change that look and make a new look instead of trying to fit in with the crowd!!!


(Sorry I just had to say that XD)

Edit: Btw, this was never inteded to offend anyone, I'm just trying ot show the effects one style can have over Stardoll!

Sorry peeps if you took it to heart :[

Monday 18 August 2008

Random XD

Article type: Funny
Main focus: my funny stuff

Lol originally this was to show stuff about Tchen, but I just wanna get off the subject now ;]
Check out my very odd stuff I've been up to.

Tchen has... POSERS?

Article type: RINSED
Main focus: member copying

Ok Ok - I know hundreds of you hate Tchen, but you got to admit, she has got many followers.
Has her hack been found out and passed on to other users?
I have seen many people - Stephie.22 for an example - repeatedly (sp?) posting millions of topics
saying eactly the same thing.
Glitch on stardoll?
All will be revealed...

Music_Mad- the new writer!


Music_Mad has joined the crew (or lets say partnership hahaha) to bring more goss from Stardoll for youuuuuu.
Lets just say I'm the more "quirky" one in this relationship =]
Anyways, lets get down to business. As you can see, to the side somewhere -->

That's my pic, yesh yesh. Meeee.
Yeah don't judge bluddd =]
Oh and by the way, I'm not all wierd. I do have my serious moments. Watch out I may bite >=]

Cya around peepsters

Fag_Puff and his everchanging hair

Article type: good-to-know
Main focus: Fag_Puff

We all know Fag_Puff... you know, the boy called Dan who's girlfriend is Dirty_Slag, the one with the mad but cool pink heart hair. His cute appearence and witty text means we all like him... but do we really like his ever-changing hair? I mean, how many bottles of hair dye and highlights does he own... perhaps I should ask him.
Anyway, I think he shouldn't change it literally every 5 seconds. He should stick to a signature style- yeah, so his random hair colour and highlights are his signature, some would say, but doesn't it annoy you how it's constantly changing?

Should Fag_Puff decide on a hair to keep for a week at least or should he make the most of his hundreds of Stardollars worth of dye and change it often? What do you think?

And which hairstyle to the left do you think is cutest... the red, the blue[his current one], the pink top, pink middle or pink tiny? [I liked the red one because it's got more texture...]

olivia-bolivia - not a very good detective

Article type: RINSED!
Main focus: member accusation

So, it's half-term again, meaning more members online and even more people trying to work out who is who and who has fake accounts. But one person who doesn't do this very well is olivia-bolivia. She accused my sister, Music_Mad, of being Teale. I should know whether she has other accounts or not- and I can tell you something, she doesn't. So, Olivia, you should quit your day job of being a detective and get back to your life on Stardoll. Music_Mad is NOT Tchen, so you can't throw accusations at her.

Anyway, away from the Bolivian called Olivia and back to... well some more stuff.
Have you ever been accused of being someone who you're not? Well here are some top tips on how to handle it.
• Find some reasons why you are not this person. Say, tell them you come from different countries or you are a different age.
• Get the other person who you are accused of being to come online and talk at the same time as you
Report the accuser. What they are doing is unfair and has got to stop.

Any more tips, or have you got a story you wanna share? Comment below.

20 non-ss dresses?

Article type: informative
Main focus: clothing

Hey there.
After laying in bed last night thinking of what to add to Stardoll's RINSED, I decided on adding an article about Non-Superstar clothes. Of course, Stardoll will do this, as Superstars DO deserve more clothes seeing as they are paying, but is it really fair to limit the people who aren't allowed to pay for a website's dresses to TWENTY? Read on to find out more.

20 dresses. That's all we non-superstars get. They aren't even that nice. Take the old bright pink flounce dress, for example [as seen above, 5 stardollars]. Does Stardoll seriously think ANYONE is going to buy that dress... I mean, come on, it was out before I even joined stardoll, way back in 2006!
Okay, I admit to buying that horrible green 50s dress... but it was on sale and I couldn't resist! Oh well, it's the thought that counts...
anyway, back to the point. How comes Superstars have about 10 times the amount of available dresses that we non-superstars do? Is it really fair?

Comment with your opinion by clicking on the link below. [I will add any comments onto this article in the future.]

pinkpillows says:
I agree. I mean, yeah, superstars can have most of the stuff. But can't non superstars have:
At least SOME makeup
At least SOME hair dye
At least SOME cute clothes cheaper
At least SOME cool gifts!
All we can send is penguins!

Sunday 17 August 2008

Tchen vs Idiots who point out the obvious

Article types: member RINSED/ funny
Main focus: Tchen

[Sorry for the long title and click to enlarge photo above]

We all know Tchen is a Queen-Hacker; she has items for Superstars when she isn't one, she has made the same club about 20 times [as seen below], she repeatedly spams clubs, and other such stuff. Basically, she's more intelligent than the rest of us- or at least, I think so.
Many people state the obvious about Tchen... "OMG, Tchen, stop it! All you do is post stuff and it's all the time and it's well annoying!" or "Tchen is an annoying idiot posting on Animals Lovers all the time I mean we hate it we hate her go away Tchen all you do is post non-stop!" can be seen many times in one of the major clubs, Animal_Lovers. mknx921 is one of these offenders, having posted messages similair to this on Animal_Lovers and Tchen's Guestbook, as seen above.
But do they know they are annoying, posting worthless stuff we already know? I mean, don't get me wrong, spam is annoying, but stating the obvious is even more so. They're they idiots in this case.

Offenders so far:
mknx921 as seen above

Tchen has mastered the art of the Stardoll Hack with this weird and wonderful club reproduce.

Stardoll's RINSED- why, how, who, what and when?

Hey! If you are visiting this site, you are most likely a member of Stardoll. [Well, never!] For information on this blog, just read on!

"Why was this blog created when there are like a billion other's out there based on Stardoll's Goss?" I hear you ask.
Well, curious reader. This is not your usual blog [read What for more info]. I decided to create a blog which was more... original, and didn't just contain stuff about Elites and free items. I also wanted to create my own after seeing other people's. Why not?

"What is so different about this blog, though? What sets it apart from Perez and the likes? What does it contain?" many of you are thinking.
This blog does what it says on the cover. It 'rinses' people. Shares their secret even wider, so people can get the latest bad gossip about Stardoll. It will contain NO lies because I don't have a very good imagination, and I will NOT make fun of people. I will just echo what I have heard.
Oh, and incase you don't talk common, 'rinsed' means 'done', as in ruined. Not their reputation ruined... but oh, just forget it lol. It may also contain the [Stardoll] member's DON'Ts of fashion!

This blog was created Sunday 17th August at 21:10 GMT.

Stardoll's RINSED it written by hayley.500, a 12 year old female from England.

"How was it created?" Erm... figure it out?

Well that's it. I hope you enjoy reading the many [or not so many if Stardoll's goss is dead lately!] articles. Come back soon xD